Registration Now Open For Cyber Tigers

2022-2023 Cyber Tigers Registration Form

Cyber Tigers is a perfect build of fun, imagination, and learning!  Students will upgrade their team-building skills as they work to complete fun challenges in robotic design and computer programming.  They will use basic machine principles to create robots capable of performing simple tasks as students work in teams to plan, build, test, and modify their own robotic creations!  If you have a 4th or 5th-grade student that is interested, don’t delay in registering.  Space is limited to 30 students per grade.  The current club semester will run from Sept. 20- Nov. 15.  5th grade will meet in the BES Tech Lab on Tuesdays after school from 2:30 – 3:25. 4th grade will meet on Thursdays after school from 2:30 – 3:25.

How do I register my child?
Registration is due by Sept 12, accompanied by the $25.00 FEE. If you would like for your child to participate you can register two different ways:

  • Fill out this paper registration form and send in a check for $25.00
  • Register online at Eventlink. To register you must create an account and subscribe to Bardstown City Schools. Watch our video tutorial below for help.